Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Real Deal

So on my journey of Culinary School there is also the personal side of it.

And this post is regarding that side, not what i made in school.  Although it does have to do with school.
Today we went on a feild trip, we started off with a tour of granville island and more in depth of the market.
Then we had a tour of the Sheraton Wall Center, all the undergroud and back kitchens. and finished off with getting Gelato and a speech from the owner about what he has done and why.

I can admit that my biggest enemy is myself.
I am constantly doubting myself, saying that im not good enough for certain things, putting limits on what i try to achieve. But Who am i to do that? What right do i have to stop myself from trying things?

the reasoning?

I am scared. Scared of what people will think. Scared of the outcome. Good. And Bad. Scared that things wont turn out. Or what will happen if they do.  Scared of standing out and not blending in

I have always been okay with being average. being normal.  But am i really? What makes me not good enough to be great?  Everyone can be great in their own way if they try.

            A journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step.

My journey has felt like i have been taking leaps lately! Moving to another city, heck another province! Living on my own, surrouded by people i didnt know, discovering who i am. Truly. 

Despite having people who are dear to my heart saying that i shouldnt do it, or that i will just flunk out i feel truly blessed with all the love and support from my family and close friends.
And to the few people who voiced their negative opinions to my face, me finishing this program and doing it well is the biggest smack in the face to them. and its going to feel awesome hah.

         When you dont give up , you Can`t fail.

What im learning is failure is good. If you are not failing then your not living.  I dont do well with failure. So Yes im baking in school, im reading the textbook, im learning all the concepts and rules. But im also learning how to live life.

<3 Amz

1 comment:

  1. You go Amy! And you go as high as you can! Be happy in life, in YOUR life! Enjoy your journey! PR
