Day 8! Cant believe its been over a week. I know i had wanted to do this for awhile and just kept putting it off and then finally started one day. the start of something is always the hardest i find.
Well today i am going answering pg 166, How do our minds affect our health?
i know physically im affected when my mind isnt clear. I have excema and when im stressed and my mind is constantly going it flairs up.
i personally also believe that alot of things is mind over matter. If you start thinking that your throat is sore, eventually you will trick yourself into coughing and swallowing lots which irritates it and actually makes it sore!
One way i have noticed to help ease my mind is having things clean and tidy. If their is no clutter around then my mind tends to focus more and relax which helps my body relax.
Hope everyones week is going well! only one more day of work till the weekend!!
<3 Amz
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