It takes courage to push yourself to places you have never been before..
to test your break through barriers..
Tthis week i had someone tell me that i have choosen the wrong profession. It was really heart breaking for me. This is something i have always had in my heart. It has always been my escape from reality. If you pursue something with your heart, how is that wrong for you?
Yes I have not experienced or tried many things but i have not lived under a rock my whole life either.
i havent been living my life.. it feels like i have been hibernating..
Im starting to be more adventurous, im starting to eat things that i normally would have never ate before.
Although I would not say that im the courageous one, i have been very courageous lately. Im pushing myself out of my comfort zone. So the things im doing may be very normal to many people but to myself its a whole new world, and who are they to say how i should i feel?
I am far from what i once was, but not yet where im going to be. So everyday i have to remember to just breathe. Everything will be okay in the end, If it's not okay, it's not the end!
Life is all about choices. Even no choice is a choice.
Aim at the sun and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if you had aimed at an object on a level with yourself.
Amz <3
Who said this, I don't think you should listen to them, you are a wonderful baker/chef and just hang in there and show them you have chosen the right profession. Or just let me get ahold of them and make mincemeat out of them, that will teach them to piss your aunt off. Love you hang in there you will be great love you and miss you.