But i have survived this week and next week is a fresh week :)
Pie Day...
did two different types of doughs. Flaky and Mealy. The difference between them is the size of the fat, which gives them different characteristics.
Apple Pie
Chocolate Creme Pie
Pecan Pie
<3 Lemon Meringue Pie
Onto Tuesday! This was mostly prep for wednesday. We made Classic Puff (or Traditional Puff), as well as Quick Puff (or Blitz/Rough Puff) Although we made one thing to take one. Quiche!!
I love Quiche! Although Dairy and i sometimes dont like each other i still eat quiche cuz i love it that much haha
My Partner and i made a Bacon, Spinach and Cheese One!! So delicious!! <3
So Wednesday.
We had made the dough on tuesday, which means that we did alot of different things on wednesday!
Vol Au Vent, Pithiviers, Jalousie, Napolean, Palmiers, and Cheese Straws... Yeah that was one hectic day!
Vol Au Vent
Jalousie (Not Turnover, Look almost like it but its not.)
First time trying to decorate
the tops. My Fondant was not correct :(
Palmiers (named that because they are supposed to look like Palm Leaves. )
Last Thing was Cheese Straws!
I also sprinkled a spice, i forget what but it made it have a bit of a kick, and i dont like spicy at all.
Onto Thursday!
Tart Tatin, Lemon Tarts, Chocolate Ganache Tart, and two different Almond ones.
Tart Tatin, this one played with my mind a bit. As depending on when you add the butter will affect the flavor!
If you added it sooner then it will be sweet, but if you add it later then its darker and more bitter tasting. All Depends on what you are using it for.
Lemon Tart! I love lemon anything almost. But my tarts were not the greatest, wont deny it.
Chocolate Ganache Tart. If only i was a huge fan of chocolate haha
The first almond one was supoosed to be a pear almond tart, but we had no pears, so i made a plain one with blueberries.
Second one has jam between the crust and the almond filling, and then a pretty lattice top :)
Finally Friday :)
Choux Paste Day!
We made St. Honore, Eclairs, Profiteroles, Paris-Brest, and Gougeres
The profiteroles are the circular ones on the top of the St Honore.
The bottom is puff pastry and then pipe choux paste on it (in a certain desing) and bake it and then fill with cream and use caramel to glue the profiteroles on and drizzle on top.
My Gougeres
It is kind of like a cream puff but with cheese baked into it.
This week was also a gingerbread competition. For the past couple of years our school has won so you got to decorate a cookie however you wanted to and then all the chefs got together and picked 4 people for the team.
This was my entry!
I was going for a nerdy boy, like Steve Urkel.
This were the rest of the entry`s
and then the winners!
Genie Did the green, white and red lined one is in my class and hers was amazing! she did little stars in lines! and they are like all the same height! We are all SO proud of her and wish her all the best of luck!
Another exciting moment this week was everyone in my class knows about my chef crush on a few of the culinary students. Let me explain what a chef crush is for those of you who dont know. Chef Crush is that you are in awe and shocked about someones talents, You may or may not know them personally but enjoy their talent.I learnt myself what that was this week, so dont feel bad. This came about because im a picky eater and i had mentioned that i really like this one dish and the student making it shocked me because of it.
So Everyone in my class, including our chef instructor, knows about my chef crush.
Well on Friday our Chef was in the Main Kitchen and noticed that my chef crush had made swans and that they were so cute so she asked if she could take one because she has a student that has a chef crush on him.
Does this answer your question about if she got one for me?
Apparently his class was making fun of him about it. and my class makes fun of me for it.
The dish he made which made me develop this chef crush was some sort of pasta dish with a tomato sauce but it was a sweet sauce and there was bacon and vegetables in it. And im a plain noodles type of girl but i Loved this dish! Hence why i have a chef crush. lol
Onto Saturday! first saturday that i had school. I had my first class of my WSET which is Wine and Spirit Education Trust.
I Tried 11 different wines
We had 3 different types of food to try with different types of wine.
I learnt that i do not like wine.
Some were horrible. Some made my body shiver from how nasty they tasted. One i actually drank.
So if you are wanting to drink wine for whatever reason. i would recomment Moscato d'Asti (which is the white wine on the left, pairs wonderfully with a lemon tart )
Thats all folks!
<3 Amz
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